5 Powerful Life Lessons I Have Learned by 30

Hi loves! I wanted to round up some of the most important life lessons that I have learned by 30. I just turned 30 this June and I am feeling pretty dang good about life. Is everything perfect? Hell to the naw! Do I have 1 milli in cold hard cash? No freaking way. But I do have a beautiful family, supportive friends and a pretty neato passion in blogging. Let’s dive into these life lessons!

Nobody cares. Seriously. 

It was such a relief to me when I got the big news – nobody cares! People are focused on their own issues and do not have time to care about yours. This is a huge blessing because when you realize that no one is checking for you, you have the freedom to do whatever you want!

If you want to launch a business, do it! No one will lose any sleep over your decision (except maybe your significant other or family). I am talking about your Facebook friends or IG followers. These people are off living their own lives. Don’t place too much stock in stranger’s opionions and be true to yourself. Others may take a slight interest in whatever moves you are making, but ultimately YOU must care about the life choices you are making.

Reading is fundamental

Consistent reading has always been tough for me. Last year, I decided I wanted to read more and I committed to reading 10 books in a year. This year, I decided to double it and make it to 20. I am SO glad that I have been sticking to it. I have learned sooo much about myself through reading about spirituality, motivation and the occasional frothy fiction novel. Reading is soo necessary for growth and self-discovery. I attribute so much of my progress and acceptance about turning 30 to reading. I think I am on 13 books, so I am over halfway my goal!

Listen to your intuition

We all have an inner voice that tells us what we should be doing. Sometimes it is buried under layers of self-doubt and outside influences, but if you listen real hard – you can hear it.

I learned that it is best to trust and listen to that voice because 90% of the time it is on point. Especially if you get weird vibes from a person and you can’t explain it. That is is your intuition talking, you need to listen to it! Ever have that deep gut feeling? Yup – that is your intuition calling! You better answer it.

Your path will not always be a straight line.

Yooooo, I wish someone had explained this to me early. I had a wonky path in life and did not take the socially acceptable route. I skipped 4 year college and went to community college. It took me 6 looonnggg years to figure out the direction I wanted to go in life and what I wanted to do in terms of school. At 23, I decided to apply to University of Washington and the rest was smoothish sailing.

I FIRMLY believe that if I had gone away to school at 18, I would have failed out. I did not have any life skills and I would have done terribly in school. I worked in retail, restaurants and other service-related jobs and gained a ton of life experience and perspective. I was able to use all those crazy times to help me narrow my focus and cultivate what you really want.

Now, I am trying to figure out my next step, but it is NOT a straight line. Do not beat yourself up if you life is not the typical path that the collective society expects from you. You need to learn along the way, girl!

Be confident in yourself and the things you like.

Just own your quirks. If you like something that is deemed “lame” or silly, don’t be ashamed. I love a lot of “dorky” stuff like medieval fiction, the Backstreet Boys and acoustic piano covers. I used to be so ashamed when someone discovered my eclectic taste in music or books. Now, I wear it as a badge of honor. You’re a trekkie? Sweet! Love Young Adult novels? Awesome! I learned that you may be surprised who has the same secret obsessions. You never know who you can connect with by sharing your love of 80’s hair bands or fanny packs (which are actually in style now!).

Blogging is still wayyyy out of my comfort zone and honestly, I still have not shared this blog with my extended circle of friends (aka Facebook). I still struggle with finding the confidence to bare my soul and put myself out there 100% because duhh – rejection!! I did muster up the courage to share this with some of my work peeps and I was shocked by how many people were rooting for me. My long-winded point is that you should share your passions, you might be surprised by the support you receive. Let your freak flag, fly!!

What are some of the biggest life lessons that you have learned so far?  Let me know!

Until next time, my lovelies!



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