31 Lessons I’ve Learned in 31 Years

It feels GOOD to be celebrating another trip around the sun. It has been a super fun year with a LOT of learnings. I wanted to share the most important lessons that I have learned in my humble 31 years of life.

I can’t wait to see what 31 has in store for me!

  1. When someone shows you who they are, believe them. People will show you exactly who they are, please stop trying to ignore what they are showing you.
  2. TRUST YOUR INTUITION! If something feels off or you feel a negative gut reaction to meeting a new person, please trust it!
  3. Surround yourself with people that support you. If they don’t support you, distance yourself or find some new friends!
  4. Not everyone will return your enthusiasm or zest for life. Don’t let that dull your sparkle. Remember you are a diamond, baby!
  5. It’s okay to be a weirdo. Seriously, we are all weirdos. Find your other weirdos and thrive!
  6. The earlier you figure out your “thing”, the better. Listen to your soul and figure out what sets your soul on fire. Keep on doing that thing and repeat!
  7. Being a parent is HARD. Being a mother is my favorite job, but it can be so exhausted. Give yourself a break and realize there is no such thing as a perfect mother. We are all messing something up.
  8. Relationships are also very hard. Remember why you fell in love and check in with each other frequently.
  9. Stop being so hard on yourself. You are AWESOME!
  10. Be nice to people, especially service people. You never know who has had a crappy day, just be nice to people.
  11. Do life on your own timeline, not society’s timeline. You don’t need to be married by 27 and have kids by 30. You do things when life works for you, stop forcing antiquated timelines on your life!
  12. Like what you like and don’t be ashamed! Let your freak flag fly!
  13. Gender norms are BS. Women don’t have to love makeup and men don’t have to love sports. We don’t even need to recognize gender. Just be you.
  14. Do one thing a day that brings you joy. Do something that makes you smile. Tip a little extra, laugh at a corny joke. It will improve your life tenfold.
  15. You can design a life that you love. Everyone’s “perfect life” looks different. Create the one that makes you smile the minute you wake up.
  16. Nothing will work unless you do.” Ms. Angelou said it best, you have to put some hardcore effort into what you want instead of people handing it to you.
  17. Go to therapy. Just go. Therapy changed by life in 2018 and it helped me work through some destructive patterns and be a happier person. All adults need therapy, trust me.
  18. Monitor the energy of the people around you. Surround yourself with positive and uplifting people, leave the dementors behind. HP fans will get it 🙂
  19. Exercise is NECESSARY. Hitting the gym will help fight depression and anxiety plus make you feel accomplished. Keep at it!
  20. Drink water. Lots of water. You will look younger and feel better.
  21. You are only as young as you feel. Who cares if you are 50 years old wearing Forever 21? Do you, boo boo!
  22. Your body is FINE, stop obsessing over it. Seriously girl, it is okay that your boobs are not as perky as your teenage years. You are still cute!
  23. Date nights are necessary. It can be a night in with takeout or a frozen pizza. Turn off your phones and reconnect with your honey!
  24. Believe in yourself, even if no one else does. YOU have to believe you can do whatever it is that you want to do.
  25. Material things will never replace experiences. Travel will make you richer than any material item you can buy.
  26. Money is not evil, it is necessary for a comfortable life. Work on your relationship with money and your life will change. You do need it to feel comfortable, but you don’t need to obsess over it every moment.
  27. Transitioning to your 30’s is amazing! I have gained SO much clarity and have tolerated less BS than ever. I love it here!
  28. No one can make you feel inferior without your consent“. You have the power to build yourself up and leave criticism and negativity to the haters.
  29. LET IT GOOOOOO. All of the bad vibes, all of the people that have hurt you, all of the missed opportunities can be let go. It hurts YOU to hold on to that toxicity.
  30. Travel as often as you can afford it. Start small and move up to some bigger trips. Life is so much richer when you experience new places.
  31. Believe in something. God, Buddha, Jehovah, the Universe, Science — just choose something!

Are there any life lessons that I have missed? Let me know below!

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